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Find User By


This operation finds a specific user by objectId or by identity in the Users data table. The search by identity is only available in Codeless.


Backendless.Data.of("Users").findById(objectId): Promise<Backendless.User>;


Argument                Description
objectId Unique identifier of a user record to retrieve from the data table. String value or number. Refer to the Data Import topic to learn more about objectId value as the number.
table The name of the table to remove the user. String value.

Return Value

The BackendlessUser object containing user data.


The example below obtains the user object associated with the following objectId: "4D584E4D-05A3-4AC4-90C7-B80D1584E7AD"

 .then( function( result ) {
 .catch( function( error ) {

Codeless Reference



Argument                Description
objectId Unique identifier of the user object which is used to obtain the user data from the Users data table.
identity A value for a column in the Users table marked as identity. By default the column marked as identity isemail, however, it can be changed to another column in Backendless Console.

Returns the BackendlessUser object containing user data. The object has the values for all the properties stored in Users data table.

Consider the following record in the Users data table:

The example below finds the user by "" identity and returns the BackendlessUser object containing user data.


The output will look as shown below after the Codeless logic runs:


The example below finds the user by objectId: "4D584E4D-05A3-4AC4-90C7-B80D1584E7AD" and returns the BackendlessUser object containing user data.


The output will look as shown below after the Codeless logic runs:
