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Retrieving JSON Data

JSON values are stored in database columns of type JSON. The data retrieval mechanism for JSON values is the same as for any other data stored in Backendless database. You can use the data retrieval API to retrieve objects from the Backendless database. Data in the JSON columns is returned to the client application as either a strongly-typed object or as . Consider the example below:

Suppose the database stores objects in the Person data table. The table declares the profile column of type JSON. The column contains JSON values in the following format:

  "age": 55,
  "name": "Bob",
  "address": {
    "city": "Los Angeles",
    "state": "California",
    "street": "123 Santa Monica Blvd."
  "lastname": "Smith",
  "favoriteColors": [
    "Blue", "Red"
  "favoriteNumbers": [
    13, 21, 88

As you can see the sample JSON value above exhibits the following "qualities":

  • literal string and numeric values - age, name and lastname keys.
  • an array consisting of strings - favoriteColors
  • an array consisting of numbers - favoriteNumbers
  • an enclosed JSON object in the address key.

The JSON values and the Person objects may appear as shown below in the database:


Suppose the client application needs to retrieve both Person objects and the corresponding profile values . This can be accomplished with the following code:

const person = await Backendless.Data.of('Person').findById('AE2B0CBD-A5A9-453C-9F9A-E15481DF3C02')
const { profile } = person

console.log('Last name:', profile.lastname)
console.log('Age:', profile.age)
console.log('Favorite numbers:', profile.favoriteNumbers)
console.log('Favorite colors:', profile.favoriteColors)

const { address } = profile

console.log('Street:', address.street)
console.log('State:', address.state)

The code produces the following log output:

Name Bob
Last name Smith
Age 55
Favorite numbers [13, 21, 88]
Favorite colors [Blue, Red]
Street 123 Santa Monica Blvd.
City Los Angeles
State California

As you can see, the entire JSON structure is converted to a JavaScript object with all the key/value pairs becoming corresponding entries in the returned object.

Your application may use an alternative approach - representing objects in the Backendless database with strongly-typed classes. In the context of the example above, this means you will have the Person class defined in your application.  See the example below:

Address class:

// declare custom Address class
class Address {
 constructor(address) {
   address = address || {}

   this.street = address.street =
   this.state = address.state

 setStreet(street) {
   this.street = street

   return this

 getStreet() {
   return this.street

 setCity(city) { = city

   return this

 getCity() {

 setState(state) {
   this.state = state

   return this

 getState() {
   return this.state
Profile class - this class will conntain values from JSON
class Profile {
 constructor(profile) {
   profile = profile || {} =
   this.age = profile.age
   this.favoriteNumbers = profile.favoriteNumbers
   this.favoriteColors = profile.favoriteColors
   this.address = new Address(profile.address)

 setName(name) { = name

   return this

 getName() {

 setAge(age) {
   this.age = age

   return this

 getAge() {
   return this.age

 setFavoriteNumbers(favoriteNumbers) {
   this.favoriteNumbers = favoriteNumbers

   return this

 getFavoriteNumbers() {
   return this.favoriteNumbers

 setFavoriteColors(favoriteColors) {
   this.favoriteColors = favoriteColors

   return this

 setAddress(address) {
   this.address = new Address(address)

   return this

 getAddress() {
   return this.address
Person class - this class is used to represent database objects. Notice the class has the "profile" property, which at the database level is JSON.
class Person {
 constructor(person) {
   person = person || {}

   this.profile = new Profile(person.profile)

 setProfile(profile) {
   this.profile = new Profile(profile)

   return this

 getProfile() {
   return this.profile
Code to fetch data from the database and initialize custom class:
const personObject = await Backendless.Data.of('Person').findById('AE2B0CBD-A5A9-453C-9F9A-E15481DF3C02')

const person = new Person(personObject) // initialize person as Person class

In case when the JSON values are represented as strongly-typed classes, Backendless automatically adapts them to the instances of your classes. It is important to maintain the basic fidelity between the JSON types and the corresponding  types as shown below:

Codeless Reference

Retrieving Object By objectId



Argument                Description
table name Name of the data table from where the object is retrieved.
object id Unique identifier of the object to retrieve.
relations Name of the related property to load. For example, if table employees has a relation column homeAddress pointing to an object in the Address table, the value of the parameter would be homeAddress. The syntax allows to add relations of relations. For example, if the same Address table has a relation country pointing to the Country table, then would instruct the backend to load the related Country object.
relations depth Depth of the relations to include into the response.
properties Names of the properties/columns for which  to load the corresponding values.
exclude properties Names of the properties/columns that should not be included in the response.

Returns the object containing JSON data.

Consider the following records stored in the Person data table:


Suppose you need to retrieve one object containing JSON values. The example below retrieves the record from the data table using the object Id value.


After the Codeless logic runs, the server returns the object containing JSON values.


Retrieving Multiple Objects

Consider the following records stored in the Person data table:


Suppose you need to retrieve objects from the data table containing "New York" value in the "city" property and values greater than 20 in the "age" property. To achieve this, you need to use the following where clause condition:

profile->'$.age' > 20 and profile->'$' = 'New York'

For more information about retrieving objects using the where clause condition, refer to the JSON Query documentation.

The example below finds objects matching the where clause condition presented above.



For a detailed description of all input parameters see the Basic Object Retrieval topic of this guide.

After the Codeless logic runs, the operation returns two objects matching the specified where clause condition:
