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Get Values By Score Range


This operation returns values for a range of scores.


Backendless.Hive( hiveName ).SortedSetStore( keyName ).getRangeByScore({
        minScore: minScoreValue,
        maxScore: maxScoreValue,
        minBound: minBoundValue,
        maxBound: maxBoundValue,
        offset: offsetValue,
        pageSize: pageSizeValue,
        reverse: reverseValue,
        withScores: withScoresValue
}): Promise<items>;


Argument                Description
hiveName Name of a hive where the operation is performed. String value.
keyName Key name identifying a sorted-set. String value.
minScoreValue/maxScoreValue Optional parameters. Score values between which the items are requested. To control whether the specified values are included or excluded from the range, use the minBound/maxBound parameters.
minBoundValue/maxBoundValue  Optional parameters. Available options are (all as string values):
'Include" - Includes value specified in the corresponding minScore/maxScore parameter into the range.
'Exclude' - Excludes value specified in the corresponding minScore/maxScore parameter from the range.
'Infinity' - Ignores the corresponding minScore/maxScore parameter and includes all consecutive score values that come before/after the defined score range. For example, if minBound is set to Infinity and maxScore is set to 5, the query will include all values with scores less than 5.
offsetValue Optional parameter. Sets a zero-based index/position from which to retrieve the items. For example, if the resulting set contains 10 items, then by setting this parameter to 2, the first 2 values in the range will be skipped, while the remaining 8 returned in the response.
pageSizeValue Optional parameter. If not set, defaults to 20. Sets the number of items to include in the response. Maximum supported value is 10000.
withScoresValue Optional parameter. When set to true, then the scores are returned along with the values. Otherwise, when set to false, the scores are not returned. When the parameter is not present, it defaults to false.
reverseValue Optional parameter. When this parameter is not present, it defaults to false. When set to false, items in the specified sorted set are sorted in ascending order of their scores.  When set to true, items are sorted in descending order of their scores.

Return Value

When the withScores parameter is set to true, the return value is an array of score-value pairs. Each pair is also an array of two elements - the score and the value.


The example below returns all values in the range of scores between 0 and 3.

Consider the following sorted set data:


The example below returns values in the range of scores between 0 (inclusively) and to 3 (exclusively).

  • Since the withScores parameter is set to true, the keys are returned alongside with the corresponding scores.
  • Since the reverse parameter is set to true, the items are sorted by rank in descending order.
  • The pageSize parameter is set to 3, indicating that the service should return 3 items in the response.
  • The offset parameter is set to 2, the returned items are included from the second (zero-based) position.
await Backendless.Hive('leaderboard').SortedSetStore('players').getRangeByScore({
    minScore: 0,
    maxScore: 3,
    minBound: 'Include',
    maxBound: 'Exclude',
    offset: 2,
    pageSize: 3,
    reverse: true,
    withScores: true


Argument                Description
'leaderboard' Name of a hive in the system.
'players' Name of a sorted set where the operation takes place.



If the withScores parameter is set to false or is not present, the response does not include the scores:


Codeless Reference


Argument                Description
hive name Name of a hive where the operation is performed.
key name Key name identifying a sorted set.
min/max score Score values between which the items are requested. To control whether the specified values are included or excluded from the range, use the min/max bound parameters.
min/max bound Parameters that control the presence of the first and last values in the range. Each of these parameters has three options:

Include - Includes value specified in the corresponding min score/max score parameter into the range.

Exclude - Excludes value specified in the corresponding min score/max score parameter from the range.

Infinity - Ignores the corresponding min score/max score parameter and includes all consecutive score values that come before/after the defined score range. For example, if min bound is set to Infinity and max score is set to 5, the query will include all values with scores less than 5.

These parameters default to Include.
offset Sets a zero-based index/position from which to retrieve the items. For example, if the resulting set contains 10 items, then by setting the offset parameter to 2, the first 2 values in the range will be skipped, while the remaining 8 returned in the response.
page size If not set, defaults to 20. Sets the number of items to include in the response. Maximum supported value is 10000.
with score When set to true, then the scores are returned along with the values. Otherwise, when set to false, the scores are not returned. When the parameter is not present, it defaults to false.
reverse When set to true, items are sorted in ascending order. If set to false, items are sorted in descending order.

When the with score parameter is set to true, the return value is a list of score-value pairs. Each pair is also a list of two elements - the score and the value. When the with scores parameter is set to false, the return value is a list of values.

Consider the following Sorted Set storage:

The example below returns values in the range of scores between 0 (inclusively) and to 5 (inclusively).

  • Since the with score parameter is set to true, the keys are returned alongside with the corresponding scores.
  • Since the reverse parameter is set to true, the items are sorted by rank in descending order.
  • The page size parameter is set to 3, indicating that the service should return 3 items in the response.
  • The offset parameter is set to 1, the returned items are included from the first (zero-based) position.


The output will look as shown below after the Codeless logic runs: