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Retrieve Device Registration

Backendless server returns information about device registration with the API documented below.


Backendless.Messaging.getRegistrations(): Promise<Object>;

Return value

Returns a list with one object containing device registration details. The object contains the following properties:


Argument                Description
deviceToken A token assigned by the push notification service provider (Google Cloud Messaging, Apple Push Notification Service, Microsoft Push Notification Service).
deviceId A unique identification of the device registered to receive push notifications.
os Operating system identifier
osVersion Version of the operating system
channels An array of Backendless messaging channels device is registered with.
expiration A timestamp indicating when the device registration should expire.


const response = await Backendless.Messaging.getRegistrations()



The following errors may occur during the device registration API callThe following errors may occur during the device registration API call. See the Error Handling section for details on how to retrieve the error code when the server returns an error:

Error Code
Unable to retrieve device registration - unknown device ID.

Codeless Reference


Returns a list with one object containing device registration details. The object contains the following properties:


Argument                Description
deviceToken A token assigned by the push notification service provider (Google Cloud Messaging, Apple Push Notification Service, Microsoft Push Notification Service).
deviceId A unique identification of the device registered to receive push notifications.
os Operating system identifier
osVersion Version of the operating system
channels An array of Backendless messaging channels device is registered with.
expiration A timestamp indicating when the device registration should expire.

The example below retrieves the device registration details:
