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Share Sheet

Share Sheet is a specialized utility available on both Android and iOS operating systems, facilitating resource sharing among applications. This functionality allows users to efficiently share data originating from your application with others. To share a resource with the Share Sheet, use the following codeless block:


You are required to provide the following three parameters:

  • link - URL of the Resource to Share: This could be the URL of a page within your app, the URL of an image, or a file.
  • message - This message will be sent alongside the URL, providing additional context or information.
  • resourceName - This is a human-readable identifier for the resource, helping users easily recognize and understand the shared content.

The example below illustrates how the Share Sheet Request block can be used in a UI Builder application. Consider the following database table:


Suppose the products are retrieved from the server and rendered on a page with the following layout. Notice the layout has the "share" icon:


The selected block in the screenshot above is a Repeater, therefore the retrieved products will be rendered with the specified layout. The share icon component has the following logic attached to the On Click Event:


Tapping the share icon opens the Share Sheet on the mobile device where the user can select another application to share the resource.
