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Managing Registrations

Application developers can manage device registrations using the Backendless Console:

  1. Login to Backendless Console and select an app where you would like to see the device registrations.
  2. Click the Data icon and select the DeviceRegistration table.

The table provides a single, unified view of all devices registered to receive push notifications. The table contains important information such as deviceId, deviceToken, a name of the messaging channel (channelName). Since the data about registered devices is stored directly in the Backendless database, it automatically supports the following functions:

  • Registered devices can be exported/imported into Backendless apps using the export/import functionality of the Data Service.
  • Data relations between registered devices and other data objects and geopoints (and vice versa)
  • Devices can be registered using the Data Service API or directly via the console.
  • SQL (whereClause-based) searches of the devices using the console or the Data Service API.

Backendless automatically links registered device with the currently logged in user. Suppose your app registers the device for push notifications. If there is a logged in user at the time when the device is being registered, Backendless creates a relation between the device and the user in the database (via a 1:1 relation):
