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Get Key Expiration Time


This operation retrieves the expiration time for a key. The expiration time is expressed as a number of seconds until the key expires. Note that all keys are created without timeouts by default, and you can set it by invoking the "Set Key Expiration - TTL" or the "Set Key Expiration - Unix time" operations.




Argument                Description
hiveName Name of a hive where the operation is performed. String value.
StoreType This placeholder must be substituted with one of the following stores types: KeyValueStore, ListStore, MapStore, SetStore, SortedSetStore.
key Key name to get the timeout value for. String value.

Return Value

The number of seconds until a specific key expires.

If the specified key does not exist, then the following Backendless error is returned:

    "code": 27003,  
    "message": "no such key",  
    "errorData": {}  

If the specified key has no timeouts set, then the following Backendless error is returned:

    "code": 27010,  
    "message": "Expiration for key wasn't set.",  
    "errorData": {}  


The example below checks if a timeout is set on the "fruits" key, and returns the number of seconds until expiration of the key.



Argument                Description
"groceryStore" Name of a hive where the operation is performed.
"fruits" Key name in the store to check the expiration time.

Codeless Reference


Argument                Description
hive name Name of a hive where the operation is performed.
type Storage type, can be one of the following: Key / Value, Sorted Set, Set, Map, List.
key name Key name to get the timeout value for.

Returns the number of seconds until a specific key expires.

Consider the following Key Value storage:


The example below gets the timeout value for the "Japan" key:

The output will look as shown below after the Codeless logic runs.