Introducing Backendless Pro Community Edition: Free Single-Server Deployment
We’re excited to announce that Backendless is now even more accessible with the launch of the Community Edition: a free version of the Backendless platform for deployment on a single physical server. This change makes Backendless more accessible than ever, allowing established users who want to lower their overall cost of ownership to deploy quickly...

2FA Login Plugin Featuring TOTP

The 2FA Login plugin enables applications built with Backendless to provide an authentication option where a user can login using the TOTP (Time-based One Time Password) form of two-factor authentication (2FA).

Backendless Viewer – Your UI Builder App Live On Mobile

Preview and publish your UI Builder app as a hybrid mobile app for both Android and iOS with the latest update to Backendless Viewer.

How to Create a Chat App that Supports Images

There are tons of chat apps available on the market, but that doesn’t mean your ideal app already exists. If you’re looking to build your own chat app, this article is an excellent place to start. In this series of articles, we are going to show you how to create a beautiful iOS chat app…

How to Setup Push Notifications In a React Native App (iOS)

In this article, we will demonstrate iOS push notification setup for a React Native app. With Backendless, once set up, push notifications can easily be sent cross-platform to any device.

Backendless Data Collection Tutorial for iOS (Updated)

In 2019, the BackendlessDataCollection class was added to Swift-SDK. This class conforms to the Collection protocol and allows you to retrieve and iterate over a collection of objects stored in a Backendless data table.

How to Create a Chat App That Supports Images (Part 3)

In the final part of our article series about creating a chat app that supports sending and editing messages in real-time, we enable the inclusion of image attachments with messages.

Push Notification Setup For Flutter SDK

Flutter is a new cross-platform frontend framework from Google. In this article, we are going to show how to set up push notifications for your Flutter project and how to handle notifications directly from Flutter.

Backendless Data Collection Tutorial for iOS

BackendlessDataCollection is a new class in the Backendless Swift SDK that conforms to the Collection protocol and enables you to retrieve and iterate over a collection of objects stored in a Backendless data table. This tutorial will show you how.

How to Create a Chat App that Supports Images (Part 2)

In this series of articles, we are going to show you how to make a beautiful chat app that supports sending, editing, and deleting messages with both text and images.