We are excited to share some fantastic news with you! Our team has been working tirelessly to bring you the latest and most requested feature in Backendless UI Builder – the Layouts feature. Today, we’re proud to announce that Layouts is now immediately available for all our users!
Sharing custom items with other Backendless developers gives you the power to build once and use in multiple projects. Backendless has just made it easier to keep your items under your own control with Private sharing.
You can help expand Backendless’ offerings by creating your own app templates, custom components, frontend and backend Codeless logic, and UI pages to share on Backendless Marketplace.
Visualizing data is a valuable way to glean insights into your data quickly and without the need to hire a data scientist. Backendless Visualizations make it super easy to share those insights with others.
A snackbar or “toast” element is a message displayed to the user, usually on a temporary basis over a few seconds. It’s great for alerting the user to something without requiring any action. Think of a success message, a confirmation, or an error alert of some kind.
Show your users the progress being made toward a goal – financial, game score, project progress, etc. – with a visual gauge-style progress chart.
Make it easier for your users to navigate through multiple pages of results from large data sets with the prebuilt Pagination component.
One of the most common complaints about “no-code” frontend builders is the lack of flexibility they provide. Our goal with UI Builder is give you all the capabilities of code, but without the coding.
Notify your users when actions succeed, fail, require further attention, or trigger any other information that the user needs to know by using the Snackbar component.