In Part 2 of our series, we are going to continue design backend for our Social App. So, the task for today is to implement such parts as Likes and Comments. You will see how easily you can reach this by using Backendless.
There are a lot of social applications around the world, such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. If we take a look under the hood, however, we can see they all share pretty standard features. For instance, we can’t imagine an app without the ability to establish relationships between users, or without “likes” and “comments”…
GraphQL is a powerful language that allows you to extract data from your backend via a single endpoint that can take complex queries and return data in a structure that is appropriate for the client. In this article, we will create a simple application to manage articles. For API, we will use the GraphQL implementation…
ReactJS remains one of the most popular hybrid frontend development languages on the market today. In this article, we are going to continue developing a React application using Backendless as the backend by showing how to add real-time alerts to your app.
We are pleased to introduce the new version of the Backendless Flutter SDK, v0.2.0, that adds support for custom classes. In this article, we are going to demonstrate how to start working with it.
In the final part of our article series about creating a chat app that supports sending and editing messages in real-time, we enable the inclusion of image attachments with messages.
In this series of articles, we are going to show you how to make a beautiful chat app that supports sending, editing, and deleting messages with both text and images.
When working with data, particularly user-submitted data, you often need to validate it. For example, if we are creating a database in which there is a “site” field and corresponding IP address field, it would be very useful to ensure that the data written to these fields is in the appropriate format.
One of our key standard features is the ability to send emails through Backendless Console. We offer prebuilt email templates or you can create your own email template. In this article, we will show you how to do the latter.