
How to Create a LinkedIn Clone Using Backendless

by on May 29, 2018

This series of tutorials was prepared by:

Ega Wachid Radiegtya
An Entrepreneur & App Developer
You will learn how to make your own LinkedIn clone on Android, using React Native, React Navigation, Redux and Backendless.

The following tutorial series is perfect for you if:

  • You have a basic knowledge of React/Redux
  • You’re looking to learn how to make apps in the most simple way
  • You want to try using mobile backend as a service for your apps

Technology stack:

  • React
  • Redux
  • Backendless

What you will learn:

By following the instructions in these articles, you’ll get the knowledge and skills required to build simple Android apps using Backendless mBaaS for your business logic.


Part 1: Introduction
You will learn about the tools required for the task and how to set up the development environment to proceed.
Part 2: RN Setup 
You will do your first steps to get some basic functions for your app.
Part 3: Backendless Setup
You will get familiar with Backendless and start building the server-side logic for your app.
Part 4: RN+ Backendless; Building The App
You will finalize the visual part of your app and will get a functional LinkedIn clone.

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