API services are a means for an application to interact with a server-side system to retrieve and/or update data. API as a Service, then, is a platform or tool that offers support for designing and deploying API services.
The Backendless SDK for Flutter provides backend support for Flutter web applications as well as Android and iOS mobile apps. Now, your Flutter app can enjoy all the functions and features of a Backendless backend on both web and mobile.
Zapier lets you automate workflows by using trigger events to initiate actions. In this article, we show you how to automate sending an email in response to an object being created in your Backendless database.
Zapier lets you automate workflows by using trigger events to initiate actions. In this demo, we show you how to automate sending an email in response to an object being created in your Backendless database.
Automated SMS messages are a great way to help onboard users to your app. In this article, we show how easy it is to send an SMS message upon a new user registration using our Zapier integration.
In this article, we show how easy it is to integrate a translation service into your Backendless app using our Zapier integration.
It is quite common in UIs to include an “eye” icon right next to the password input field (which has masked input by default) to display the entered password. This recipe describes how to implement it in UI Builder.
Our OAuth API, which allows you to get the full benefits of third-party OAuth login, was initially only available for use via our SDKs. Now, we have added a new Codeless block so your application can include login with the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, LinkedIn, Discord, GitHub, Spotify, and more!
We are excited to roll out the first 3 of our new App Blueprints for the Backendless platform. With App Blueprint templates, you can build a fully functional web app with connected database in just a few clicks!