You can help expand Backendless’ offerings by creating your own app templates, custom components, frontend and backend Codeless logic, and UI pages to share on Backendless Marketplace.
Looking to implement AirBNB, Yelp, or even ecommerce-style features in your Backendless app? The Product Listings App Blueprint is the perfect place to start.
In today’s business world, it is more important than ever to have a CRM system in place. A CRM (customer relationship management) system helps you keep track of your customers, their contact information, what products or services they have purchased from you, and more.
One of the many specialties of Backendless Database that other no-code solutions lack is the ability to work with location-based, or geospatial, data. With UI Builder, as in our GEO chat app template, you can easily implement location-based features, including your own Google Maps.
Implement a countdown timer clock in any app, no animations or CSS tricks necessary. Just some good old fashioned Codeless logic does the job.
There are plenty of Instagram alternatives in the kingdom of social media, but many of those different platforms on the app market fail to match the fun and functionality of the popular social photo-sharing service. You can easily build your own Instagram clone using Backendless.
Editable calendars are an increasingly valuable digital tool in our modern era of zoom meetings, remote get-togethers, and busy lives. The Appointment Booking App Blueprint gives you a customizable framework for building your own editable calendars.
The CRM system App Blueprint provides ample functionality for managing customer interactions, keeping sales team members on task, and supporting the sales process.