All Backendless apps have the ability to add a single custom domain for app hosting and API endpoints. Now, you may add additional custom domains to your application.
Backendless File storage can be used to host web applications. The file storage includes a special directory – “/web” which is used to host web application content. Since the default URLs for files in your file storage are rather long and use the domain, it may be desirable to map a custom domain name…
We’ve written about how to upload files to the Backendless Hosting system. Once a file is uploaded, it gets a public URL which can either be obtained using Backendless Console or calculated using a template.
Any file in the Backendless File Storage is also accessible through a public URL. This functionality can be restricted by changing security settings.
In another post, we described how to upload files to Backendless file storage using File Service API. In addition to the file upload API, Backendless Console supports online (built into the Console) text editing.
Directories in file storage can be created implicitly as a result of uploading files using the File Service API. Alternatively, a directory can be created using Backendless Console.
In another post, we wrote about Backendless File Browser – an online management system for your files and directories. One of the features built into File Browser is the ZIP Directory feature. The feature does exactly what it sounds like it would do – creating a zip file for a directory and its contents.
There are several ways to upload file content to the server: The traditional approach where a physical file from the client environment is uploaded using the API. Creating a remote file with content generated on the client-side. In this article, we will review the first option – uploading a file with the API.
Every Backendless backend includes a file storage space that can be used by your application or can host your web application. The space is managed with the Backendless File Service, a core element of the Backendless platform. The service provides APIs for file upload/download and deletion, manages files/directories permissions, and handles git integration. Backendless Console…