The Landing Pages feature is going away and being replaced by page templates in UI Builder. Read on to learn more about this change, and why it makes our Landing Pages much more versatile!
Back in July of 2018, we introduced the Landing Pages feature in version 5.1.0. This was a full 2 years before the initial release of UI Builder.
Since that time, the feature has migrated to the Frontend area of Backendless, but has remained minimally modifiable.
As great as our initial Landing Pages were, they were significantly more static and less versatile than pages in UI Builder can be.
Thus, we have recreated these pages as free page templates in UI Builder, giving you access to all the tools of UI Builder to make gorgeous custom Landing Pages for your application.
As a result of this change, we will be deprecating the old Landing Pages functionality soon.
The Landing Pages that used to be available as their own section of the Frontend area are now available as Pages in UI Builder:
Of course, all UI Builder pages can be easily modified and customized without writing a single line of code.
You can easily publish your UI Builder landing page without having to create a separate app on an additional paid plan. To do so, simply create a new Container in UI Builder, and direct your landing page to the appropriate URL.
This will prevent you from mixing your landing pages with your application pages, keeping your main app clean and lightweight. It also enables you to modify the Landing Page themes and extensions without impacting your main app.
The original Landing Pages are also available to demo in the Marketplace area of Backendless:
Finally, don’t forget that we also offer the free App Blueprint called Cool App. Cool App is a beautiful landing page that can easily be modified to include your branding and content.
While this change may impact a small number of users, we expect it will be a welcome change that unlocks a ton of potential for customizing and personalizing your landing pages to match your content and branding.
Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Happy Codeless Coding!