
How to Lockout a User Account Upon Unsuccessful Logins

by on September 1, 2019

It has happened to a lot of people, especially with the online banking applications – you try logging in a couple of times and get your password wrong. Then the screen changes saying the account is locked out and you need to try again in XX minutes.

This kind of security functionality is easy to set up in Backendless:

  1. Login to Backendless Console, select your app and click the Users icon.
  2. Click the Login menu.
  3. You will see two sections on the screen: Lock User Account and Unlock User Account:
  4. The Lock User Account controls how many unsuccessful logins would be allowed by the backend before the account is locked out. Use the slider to adjust the value. There is also an option to allow unlimited unsuccessful logins.
  5. The Unlock User Account controls the amount of time a user has to wait before the account is unlocked and the user can try logging in again.

Can you think of an easier way to configure it? 🙂 Enjoy!

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