Zapier is powerful workflow automation tool that enables you to integrate different applications to create workflows of any complexity. With our Zapier Integration, Backendless is excited to join the Zapier ecosystem.
Retool is a no-code website builder designed for building internal tools “remarkably fast.” When you integrate a feature-rich no-code Backendless backend with your Retool frontend, you get a visual relational database, user management, bulletproof security, highly-scalable serverless hosting, easy login, and much more.
The No-Code development space is taking off, with new tools coming available seemingly every day. What that means, however, is that there are many players jumping in that lack staying power.
This morning we got an alert from Google saying that some phishing content had been detected in Backendless. Indeed, a user created an app in Backendless and uploaded a phishing page to the Backendless File storage.
Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES) is an integration that can store a lot of data and provide a full text-based search, along with other cool features. In this article, we’ll show you how to integrate Amazon ES into your Backendless project. Of course, you may be able to accomplish what you’re looking for by using…
The Backendless European Union Hosting Cluster is a server cluster located in Europe. This new cluster provides Backendless Cloud developers outside of the United States a faster serverless app hosting alternative.
The European Union Cluster, UI Themes, and support for two new visualization data types in Backendless Database are all available now in Backendless.
The newest addition to Backendless Database data types, Auto-Incremented Columns make it easy to automatically assign unique, human-readable IDs to all of your records in a table.
Webflow is a no-code website builder that “empowers designers to build professional, custom websites in a completely visual canvas.” When you integrate a feature-rich Backendless backend with your Webflow frontend, you can make your website into a full-function web app.