
Backendless 4.0 Beta 1 Is Here!

by on February 15, 2017

It has been a long journey from the early days when the Backendless team sat down to discuss what we wanted to do with the platform to today when we are writing this blog post. The idea for the 4.0 release was started as a uniform vision for a major cleanup of all the issues that were getting in the way.

Normally, a cleanup would not warrant a major release, but the breadth and depth of changes we made can certainly justify bumping “3.x” into “4.0”. After all, the new release is not just about fixing and oiling the parts, it is a fundamentally better and stronger product. It gives us a solid foundation to increase our developer base 10x without any impact on the service uptime and response time and ultimately to elevate Backendless Marketplace as an open API services platform.

The 4.0 release is exciting for many reasons. It has the right amount of new, exciting features, and offers a multitude of improvements that make Backendless feel better as a product.

You will quickly notice that Backendless Console looks a bit different. Some parts of it changed slightly while others were completely redesigned. Getting started with Backendless is now even easier thanks to the ‘Download Project Template’ feature. You can now edit and deploy the server-side (Cloud Code) right in the Console. The API docs have a completely different navigation structure with all of the documentation content rendered on a single page (works great for searches too!).

We’re already working on blog posts describing features, webinars, and YouTube videos.

We hope to get your feedback about the product. Since it is a Beta release, some things may not work exactly right. Please let us know what you find. We welcome absolutely any and all feedback. The best way to share it with us is by posting a topic to our support forum.


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