It’s rarely ideal to allow users to sign up using fake email addresses. The best way to prevent this is to require the email address be verified before the user can log in. Following up on our article on enabling email address confirmation for app users, in this article we will show you how to…
The Logout API is a logical counterpart for the User Login API, described in an article here. The full documentation for the Backendless REST logout API can be found here. The logout step is not required for most apps given that the user session will expire automatically. However, some apps choose to provide the functionality, especially…
It is common with many applications for two or more users to try (or need) to log in simultaneously using the same user ID and password combination. Some applications allow it (for example, Netflix supports concurrent logins with the same credentials from different devices) while other apps restrict it.
In another post (How to register app users with the User Registration API), we described the Backendless API for registering users for your application. When user registration successfully completes, a welcome email is delivered to the user’s email address. The default content and formatting of the email is shown below.
There are two approaches to assisting a user that has forgotten their password. One, using an API to send a temporary password to a user (restore password), and the other is to reset the password. With the free plan, the API sends a temporary password generated by the backend system. However, with a paid plan,…
We’re continuing our Backendless Recipe series. In this post, we will review the user registration API (see the API documentation for Android, iOS, JavaScript, REST). The User Registration API is likely one of the first APIs you work with when you start with Backendless. The API handles the process of registering a user with an application so…
Dealing with misplaced or forgotten passwords is a staple of user management. In another post, I described how to send a temporary password to a user when they cannot log in. Either a temporary password or link to a password reset URL is delivered in an email message.
In other articles on user management, we have discussed changing a user’s password as the administrator or via API (if the user can log in). There is also a scenario where a user needs to change their password, but they can’t log in because they forgot their password. In this case, Backendless provides a simple…
When a user registers for your app, it is quite common to make sure they provided a valid email address. Typically this is done by sending a URL to the user’s email address and asking them to follow the link. Once the link is opened in a browser, it serves as a confirmation of a…