Backendless Geolocation allows you to map a location to a data object. This feature can lead to a lot of interesting opportunities. For example, consider a taxi booking service like Uber. You may have multiple cars/drivers available for hire as well as customers putting in pickup requests. Both drivers and customers may be represented by…
In another post, we described how to declare a relationship in a data table schema with a geopoint. Now that you know how to create a table column that contains one or more geopoints, we are going to show how to populate it with data.
In another article, we described how a data object may have a related geopoint (or a collection of geopoints). One of the benefits of data-to-geo relationships is search by distance. That means Backendless can search for data objects using the location of the related geopoints.
In other articles, we have covered: how to declare a geo-to-data relationship in a data table schema and how to create relationships between an object in that schema and geopoints. Of course, both of the operations above can also be accomplished with the API. In this post, we are going to show how to retrieve…
In another article, we covered importing data table schemas, relations and data objects to Backendless with CSV files. The data import feature can also work with geolocation storage. The process is extremely simple – browse to a CSV file with the geolocation data and let Backendless process it.
The Backendless Geoservice supports a variety of ways to search for geopoints. So far we have reviewed how to search for geopoints in a radius or a rectangular area. There is also a partial match geopoint search. In addition to that, Backendless Console provides yet another way to search for data – the cross-category search….
Based on my research of the space we are in, Backendless is the only mBaaS platform that lets you use SQL queries when searching for data. The geolocation data managed by Backendless is not an exception.
In another article, we wrote about how to save Backendless data objects with related geopoint(s). The data-to-geo relations are bidirectional. That means that just as a data object can reference a geopoint (or more than one) as a relation, a geopoint may reference a data object or a collection of in its metadata as well.
In another article, we demonstrated sample code that shows how to search for Backendless geopoints in a radius. Now we will review the API for searching for geopoints in a rectangular area. The API is very similar to the one for search in radius, except the app must define the “view port” or the rectangular…