Data objects stored in Backendless Database may have related objects through one-to-one or one-to-many collections. When objects are retrieved on the client-side, these relations are materialized as collections of data in the object’s fields or properties.
There may be instances where you need to create a user manually in your database rather than through your application. Whenever you need to quickly create a user for your app, you can always use Backendless Console. The Console makes the user creation process simple. This approach requires no coding at all, and the created…
The article that shows how to store objects in Backendless also demonstrated dynamic data table creation. That approach is called “code first” – where the code dictates the database schema.
In another post, we showed how to update data objects in the persistent storage. In this post, we’ll talk about declaring the minimum required properties needed to update objects.
In this post, we will show how to save an object with relations in Backendless Database. We are using the “code first” approach, which means we will not be creating data tables in the backend. Instead, the code will dictate to the backend what the data schema should look like.
Once an object is stored in the Backendless data storage, any of its properties (except for the system ones) can be updated using the data update API. The API works the same way as the initial call for saving the object. To update a property value, simply modify it in the instance representing the saved…
Backendless REST Console is a tool capable of driving REST queries against Data Service. It is useful when you need to validate a REST command or for testing and diagnostics purposes. REST Console is available in a dedicated tab on the Data screen of Backendless Console.
As you may have noticed in our release history, the EXTENDED STRING data type was removed from Backendless Database almost a year ago. To be precise, it was more a merge of the STRING and EXTENDED STRING data than the removal of the latter.
This week, Backendless Spotlight takes a closer look at Live Love Cite, a mobile app built for the residents of the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris. The app acts as a social tool where users can post events, jobs, and items they are looking to sell on the marketplace. Live Love Cite is available on iOS and Android….