As you may have noticed in our release history, the EXTENDED STRING data type was removed from Backendless Database almost a year ago. To be precise, it was more a merge of the STRING and EXTENDED STRING data than the removal of the latter.
In this article, we will describe how to use the Backendless API to save multiple related records with one primary (parent) record in a table. All related records (children) will be stored in separate tables as a part of the same routine. Examples of this type of requirement might be personnel records tied to a…
If you’re starting an Android project with Backendless and import our SDK library from Maven, please pay attention to the version number of the library. We have published a beta version of the 4.0 SDK into Maven central. When referencing Backendless in Android Studio, version 4 is the default one to popup. Unless you’re building with Backendless…
This is a question we get very often: “How can I avoid rejected API calls when my app generates more calls than allowed by the plan’s limit?” To give you the context of the question – all Backendless plans have a limit of API calls/minute. With the free plan the limit is 300, the Cloud…
The backend for your Backendless app sends out emails for the following events: When a user creates an account for your app When a user requests password recovery When a user logs in for the first time The default email address used by Backendless is, which is an automated account – we do not actively…