Backendless Continues Momentum in Fall 2023 with 16 G2 Badges
Backendless earns 16 badges in the Fall 2023 G2 reports, including High Performer across API Management, mBaaS, API Design, and RAD, showcasing the platform's excellent developer support, ease of use, and global customer satisfaction.

Admin and Management API Change for Backendless 3.x

With the introduction of version 4.0 in the Backendless Cloud environment, we set the goal to allow both the current version of 3.x and the new 4.0 to collocate on the same subdomain. When we introduce 4.0 in the Cloud, both versions of the backend will be available on the domain. As a result, there…

Backendless 2.0 is released with Geofencing, Logging API, Node.JS support and API Management

It feels really amazing to begin writing this blog post. We got caught in an unusually long release cycle, spent months iterating over the new features, improvements and bug fixes, but in the end it was well worth it. We did it! Backendless 2.0 is here and the product is as cool and powerful as…

Compatibility notice: using async API calls in CodeRunner

This is a notification about an upcoming change in the behavior of CodeRunner – a Backendless container responsible for executing custom business logic. An upcoming release will introduce a change that will change the behavior of CodeRunner with regards to the Backendless API calls made by custom code. Currently, custom business logic can make both…

Backwards API Compatibility Change Notice

We are preparing a new maintenance release with important bug fixes and improvements. One of the changes in the release breaks backwards compatibility for REST clients. The scope of the change is rather minor: any data object property marked as DATETIME will be serialized (from server to client) as a number (a timestamp) representing the…