
Backendless .NET SDK Has Been Updated

by on April 7, 2020

New dotNet SDK Release

In January 2020, we introduced new spatial data types that will be replacing our existing geolocation features. This week, we released an update for our .NET SDK that will allow you to work with those new data types.

Watch the video below to see an overview of geolocation and spatial data in Backendless. You can view our webinar on using .NET with Backendless here.

Click here to view this latest release on the NuGet directory.

Below is an overview of how the new spatial data types work. You can view the .NET spatial data documentation here.

  • Data objects stored in your database can now have columns/properties of types POINTLINESTRING, and POLYGON.
  • Data in these columns is represented in the industry-standard WKT (Well Known Text) and GeoJSON formats.
  • New data types can represent a variety of spatial values. POINT represents a location on a map with two coordinates – latitude and longitude. LINESTRING is a series of points that can represent physical paths, routes, etc. A POLYGON can represent a closed area.
  • The data retrieval query mechanism now includes special functions such as “Within” and “DistanceOnSphere” to enable retrieval of data objects with spatial values matching the specified criteria.

Prior to the data types’ release, we upgraded the Backendless platform to support it:

Now, you can fully utilize these new data types in your applications with a .NET client-side. This gives you a great deal of flexibility when designing applications with geography-based elements.

These new types can also be a powerful tool for game development. They can be used to track locations within a virtual environment as well as the real world. Backendless is one of the few MBaaS platforms with the tools and features necessary to support mobile and web-based games.

Click here to view this latest release on the NuGet directory.

Happy Coding!

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