Some of our other articles have covered what Backendless Geoservice is, how to populate a Backendless backend with sample data and how to run partial match geo searches. In this post, we will review the API for searching for geopoints in a circular shaped area or radius.
Data objects stored in Backendless Database may have related objects through one-to-one or one-to-many collections. When objects are retrieved on the client-side, these relations are materialized as collections of data in the object’s fields or properties.
If your native language is not English and you use Backendless to develop applications, you more than likely already know about this feature. When you log into Backendless Console, it detects the locale of your computer and switches the user interface to that locale (if it is available).
A user on StackOverflow asked how to load only the data that belongs to the currently logged-in user. This is indeed an interesting and very common use-case. Backendless handles it beautifully and this feature certainly deserves a place among our Recipes.
There are plenty of use cases when mBaaS-powered applications must use a centralized mechanism for incrementing or decrementing a value. There are several approaches for maintaining a counter – some apps use a database, others keep it in the server-side business logic (Cloud Code).
There may be instances where you need to create a user manually in your database rather than through your application. Whenever you need to quickly create a user for your app, you can always use Backendless Console. The Console makes the user creation process simple. This approach requires no coding at all, and the created…
It’s rarely ideal to allow users to sign up using fake email addresses. The best way to prevent this is to require the email address be verified before the user can log in. Following up on our article on enabling email address confirmation for app users, in this article we will show you how to…
Now that you know how to generate code for custom business logic timers (Backendless background jobs) and how to locally debug custom business logic, it is time to learn how to deploy that code to production.
In a previous post, we introduced Backendless CodeRunner – a debugging utility for custom business logic. Now that you can run your timer code locally using CodeRunner, we’d like to show how you can attach your IDE to the CodeRunner process and debug the code.