UPDATE: The latest version of Backendless provides a free plan with access to all product features. As a result, the free trial is no longer supported for the reason that it is not needed.
Prior to May 22nd, 2023, each time you created a new app in Backendless, that app started on a free 30-day trial of the Backendless Cloud 99 plan. What does the trial include? Read on to find out!
Here at Backendless, we are proud of the fact that we offer one of the most feature-rich no-code platforms on the market. As such, we want you to get a legitimate taste of that platform during your free trial.
When you created a new app on Backendless, you got a full, 30-day free trial of our highest-limit Cloud plan, Cloud 99. Now, you start on our Free Plan, which gives access to virtually all features but with lower limits and no end date.
The beauty of our free trial was that it gave you a access to the full functionality of the Backendless platform. There are no features hidden or off-limits that you would otherwise get on a paid Cloud plan.
Additionally, every app you created started on the free trial, not just your first app. That means you can easily test one of our many app blueprints (templates) for 30 days. (You may have up to five apps on the Free Plan, providing the same testing capability.)
What this means is that a great way to learn various tools in Backendless is to spin up a new app or play around with a template that already includes that feature.
For example, you can learn how to build a custom calendar in UI Builder by creating a new app using the Small Business Booking app blueprint. Or you can learn user registration and login with our “Instagramless” Insta Clone blueprint. Or learn how to build a countdown timer using Codeless logic with our Countdown app blueprint.
Free apps are a great way to learn and test concepts without cluttering your primary app with items you don’t need long-term.At The End Of The Trial
You can see how many days remain on the free trial in the bottom left-hand corner of the app.
When your trial comes to an end, you will see a red bar at the top of that app indicating that the subscription has expired. You will then have a few options.