In addition to the built-in events triggered by the API calls, Backendless supports custom, developer-defined events. Custom business logic code, which is executed on the server-side, can be attached to either built-in events or the developer-defined ones. Custom events can be triggered through a specialized API call from a client library or by other custom…
There are a lot of scenarios when custom business logic on the server-side may need to connect to an external host. Whether it is a service call to a third-party service or a retrieving data from a proprietary system, the code must establish a connection to an external host. Up until now if you tried…
We build and release a lot of software – core service, 5 SDKs and a special utility for custom business logic. We always wanted to visualize our release history to make it easy to navigate through the releases and see how a specific SDK or the core service is evolving. Today we release our release…