In another post, we described a feature where you can import data to Backendless using CSV files. In that post, we used CSV files that already had the data type defined for each column.
Data objects stored in Backendless Database may have related objects through one-to-one or one-to-many collections. When objects are retrieved on the client-side, these relations are materialized as collections of data in the object’s fields or properties.
A user on StackOverflow asked how to load only the data that belongs to the currently logged-in user. This is indeed an interesting and very common use-case. Backendless handles it beautifully and this feature certainly deserves a place among our Recipes.
There may be instances where you need to create a user manually in your database rather than through your application. Whenever you need to quickly create a user for your app, you can always use Backendless Console. The Console makes the user creation process simple. This approach requires no coding at all, and the created…
In a previous feature, we described how to manually create data tables in Backendless Console. In this post, we will show how to set up a data table schema.
The article that shows how to store objects in Backendless also demonstrated dynamic data table creation. That approach is called “code first” – where the code dictates the database schema.
This License Agreement (“Agreement”) is a legal contract between you (“Licensee” or “Customer”), as either an individual or a single business entity and Backendless Corp. (“LICENSOR”). THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (“AGREEMENT”) IS A BINDING LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN BACKENDLESS CORP. (“LICENSOR”) AND THE CUSTOMER OF THE SOFTWARE (“LICENSEE”).BY CLICKING THE ACCEPT BOX OR BY DOWNLOADING, INSTALLING, COPYING OR OTHERWISE…
This License Agreement (“Agreement”) is a legal contract between you (“Licensee” or “Customer”), as either an individual or a single business entity and Backendless Corp. (“LICENSOR”). THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (“AGREEMENT”) IS A BINDING LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN BACKENDLESS CORP. (“LICENSOR”) AND THE CUSTOMER OF THE SOFTWARE (“LICENSEE”).BY CLICKING THE ACCEPT BOX OR BY DOWNLOADING, INSTALLING, COPYING OR OTHERWISE…
In this article, we will show you how to write a service that will backup your application data with a time interval you specify. To do this, we will be using Cloud Code, a JavaScript timer, and the console SDK.