The REST Console is a part of the Backendless Console. It is a versatile interface that lets you perform a complete CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) set of operations on your data stored in Backendless using the REST interface.
Loading data objects from the Backendless persistent storage is a fundamental operation a large majority of the online/mobile applications require. Backendless Data Retrieval API is simple, yet very powerful.
In other articles, we’ve discussed how to load object relations using the auto-load and the one-step approach. Both of these approaches return a complex hierarchy of data where the parent object includes child entities at the time when it is retrieved from the server.
In another article, we described how to load complex data objects from the persistent storage using the “auto-load” technique. Using that approach, a developer can statically identify specific (child) properties that should be returned along with the parent object(s) when a client app sends a request to load them.
Another post covered how to retrieve data objects from Backendless. The code in that article loads a collection of the Restaurant objects and although it does not show it, the related collection of the Location objects arrives un-initialized. That is the default behavior of Backendless Database when it comes to loading related objects. The code…
In another post, we describe how data tables in Backendless map to the client-side classes whose instances contain persisted data objects. However, there are scenarios when the default mapping is undesirable. In that case, Backendless client libraries provide an API to override the mapping.
In another article, we wrote how to load the first object from a data table using API. For the purpose of symmetry (and out of common sense), there is also an API to load the last object from a data table in your Backendless Database. The last object is determined by the time when it is…
Backendless provides an easy-to-use API to introspect data tables. Given a table name, the API provides information about table columns, their names, data types, default values, etc. If a column represents a relationship, it is properly denoted as such in the provided information.
In another article, we described how a data object may have a related geopoint (or a collection of geopoints). One of the benefits of data-to-geo relationships is search by distance. That means Backendless can search for data objects using the location of the related geopoints.