Backendless Continues Momentum in Fall 2023 with 16 G2 Badges
Backendless earns 16 badges in the Fall 2023 G2 reports, including High Performer across API Management, mBaaS, API Design, and RAD, showcasing the platform's excellent developer support, ease of use, and global customer satisfaction.

Backendless .NET SDK Has Been Updated

In January 2020, we introduced new spatial data types that will be replacing our existing geolocation features. This week, we released an update for our .NET SDK that will allow you to work with those new data types.

How to Use Aggregate Functions in Backendless

When analyzing data, you may need to know the average salary of all employees, the quantity of goods in stock, the number of individual items in stock, the maximum or minimum cost, and so on. These tasks are easily handled with aggregate functions. Aggregate functions perform calculations using the values in a column in order…

Building a Xamarin ToDo List with Backendless

We like to think of Backendless as being frontend agnostic. In other words, you can use Backendless for your backend almost regardless of how you build your application’s frontend. As such, it is very easy to use Backendless with Xamarin, an increasingly popular open-source native app builder by Microsoft. You can try out Xamarin for…