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Get Files Count

This operation returns the number of files and optionally directories located in the specified path. Additional options include:

  • pattern filtering - counts files and directories which match the pattern.
  • recursive counting - when enabled, counts all matching files and directories while recursively traversing the directory structure.
Future<int> Backendless.files.getFileCount(String path, [String pattern, bool recursive, bool countDirectories]);


Argument                Description
path Path of a directory in the Backendless files storage starting with /
pattern A pattern which the counted files and optionally directories (if the recursive parameter is set to true) must match. Backendless supports two formats for pattern: glob and regular expressions. You can specify the pattern matching format to use with a prefix as shown below:
glob:profilepic*.png or regex:pic[0-9]\.png. If the prefix format is not specified, Backendless treats the pattern as glob.
recursive If set to true, recursively count matching files in all subdirectories.
countDirectories If set to true, count directories in addition to files.


Backendless.files.getFileCount("/web", "*.html", true).then((count) {
  print("File count: $count");

Codeless Reference



Argument                Description
path A path identifying a directory where files and folders must be counted. The path must start with the root directory of the remote file storage.
pattern A pattern which the counted files and optionally directories (if the recursive parameter is set to true) must match. Backendless supports two formats for pattern: glob and regular expressions. You can specify the pattern matching format to use with a prefix as shown below:
glob:profilepic*.png or regex:pic[0-9]\.png. If the prefix format is not specified, Backendless treats the pattern as glob.
recursive If set to true, recursively counts files in all subdirectories.
count directories If set to true, counts directories in addition to files.

Returns the number of files and/or directories in the specified path.

Consider the following files stored in the days directory:


The example below counts the number of files in the "days" directory.


The result of this operation will look as shown below after the Codeless logic runs:
