
Tizen integration with Backend as a Service

by on February 17, 2014

Tizen is an open source platform residing within the Linux Foundation. It includes an operating system which can run smartphones, tablets, netbooks, onboard devices in smart cars as well as smart TVs. We wanted to see what it would take to integrate a Tizen app with Backendless because the benefits of such integration would be huge. For instance, data can be easily shared between different implementations of an app: a Tizen version of the app can easily communicate with the one running on Android or iOS by the means of Backendless service APIs.

We put together two examples, which originally came from the Tizen SDK. The first app is a basic Todo implementation. The modified version stores the Todo tasks in the Backendless object storage. The video below reviews the integration and shows how the data can be exchanged between a JavaScript application and a Tizen app:

The modified source code of the app is available in the Backendless GitHub repository.

The second app uses the Backendless Geo Service API to store the device’s GPS coordinates in the remote storage. As the device moves around, the app automatically leaves a trail which can be retrieved with the API or managed directly in the Backendless Developer Console:

The source code for this example is also available in our GitHub repository.


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