With the release of version 5 of Backendless and introduction of the real-time capabilities the dynamics of the client-server integration will be changing. The real-time functionality should result in a significant reduction of the API calls an application makes. To further reflect the value associated with each pricing plan in Backendless Cloud, we introduced several changes: All…
Backendless offers three billing plans to choose from – Free, Cloud9 and Cloud99. You can see the details of all the plans on the Backendless Cloud Pricing page. Each plan has its own limits which can be increased/customized for the Cloud9/99 plans. Plan customization is done via the purchase of a “Function Pack” from our…
2016 was a pretty big year for Backendless. There is a steady stream of developer sign-ups for the Backendless Cloud version, fueled in part by the impending closure of Parse. The ever-increasing API traffic generated by the apps and the growing developer activity resulted in stability problems towards the end of 2016. There were outages…