In another post, we described how to declare a relationship in a data table schema with a geopoint. Now that you know how to create a table column that contains one or more geopoints, we are going to show how to populate it with data.
In another article, we described how a data object may have a related geopoint (or a collection of geopoints). One of the benefits of data-to-geo relationships is search by distance. That means Backendless can search for data objects using the location of the related geopoints.
In other articles, we have covered: how to declare a geo-to-data relationship in a data table schema and how to create relationships between an object in that schema and geopoints. Of course, both of the operations above can also be accomplished with the API. In this post, we are going to show how to retrieve…
In other articles, we have reviewed multiple techniques for loading data objects from persistent server-side storage. There is a list of all articles categorized by topic. In this post, we are going to review the API for loading data objects using an SQL query.
Deleting an object in your Backendless Database using the Data Service API is just as easy as creating or updating one. If an object has relations, they are broken up and the related objects are not deleted. The sample below retrieves the first object from a table and deletes it.
There is an API for loading the very first object created in the table. The first object is determined by the value in the created column – Backendless Database picks the one with the smallest timestamp.
Data paging is the process of breaking up a larger set of objects into smaller chunks, commonly referred to as pages. Typically paging applies to the results of search queries when the server may return too many objects at once.
In another article, we wrote about how to save Backendless data objects with related geopoint(s). The data-to-geo relations are bidirectional. That means that just as a data object can reference a geopoint (or more than one) as a relation, a geopoint may reference a data object or a collection of in its metadata as well.
If a data table in your application has a column of the DATETIME type, the values for that column will be rendered by Backendless Console in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss format. For many applications, and specifically in some industries like telecommunications or finance, it is important to see the date objects in a “neutral” format and often…