We start a new blog series called “Highlight Reel”. Today Backendless highlight reel comes to you from Irving, Texas. We have a chance to chat with EtherGloo founder Durga Dash about app development and his mobile application “SwarmLocal”. Thanks for taking the time to chat with us, Durga. So, where are you located? Irving, Texas…
A quick heads-up for everyone – we just opened up a discussion forum available at: https://support.backendless.com/. The rule of thumb is to use the Community Support site for bug reports, feature and improvement suggestions and the use the forum for all other conversations.
In this write-up, we review a JavaScript application we recently ported to Backendless. The application is an “editable invoice” which automatically saves its data including invoice line items, customer address, your own address, invoice number, etc. It is a good example demonstrating how to work with “related persistent data”, which means you can save a…
The Backendless API for JavaScript can be used not only from the browser-based JavaScript applications but also from a Node.js program. Using the API is very straight-forward. The instructions below describe the steps for setting up and running a basic Node.js example with Backendless. The example demonstrates registering a user with your Backendless application. It…
Developing JavaScript applications with a backend-as-a-service platform like Backendless significantly simplifies and speeds up the development process. With the latest release of our SDK for JavaScript, this equally applies to both mobile and browser-based apps as well as Node.js applications. The video below reviews the available APIs and demonstrates sample applications showing the simplicity, ease-of-use…
We have just updated our JavaScript library enabling API access to the Backendless services. The update includes support for Node.js applications as well as several bug fixes. The SDK is available for download in the downloads section of the website. Additionally, if you develop JS applications, you can always import the latest version of the…
Our SDK for ActionScript is now available. Using the SDK developers can build Flex and AIR applications without worrying about any of the server-side tasks. The SDK includes the APIs for all Backendless services, including: Data Service – work with your data at the object level. Store, retrieve, update or delete ActionScript objects as database…
Hey guys, we just pushed the first version of the Backendless API docs to our website. The docs are work in progress, you will see there are some holes and missing sections, but rest assured we are actively working on improving the docs. At this point we would like to offer you two sets of…
Here’s a brief overview of Backendless which should give you an idea about the service. What do you think? Please post a comment.