The article that shows how to store objects in Backendless also demonstrated dynamic data table creation. That approach is called “code first” – where the code dictates the database schema.
In another post, we introduced the feature of server-side API event handlers – a mechanism for injecting custom business logic into Backendless. In this post, we are going to review the process of creating an event handler for User Service APIs using Backendless Console. The User Service APIs include user registration, login, logout, user update,…
There are two types of custom (server-side) business logic supported by Backendless – timers and event handlers. In my previous posts have reviewed the entire process of developing, testing and deploying timers. Now I’m going to focus on event handlers.
It is common with many applications for two or more users to try (or need) to log in simultaneously using the same user ID and password combination. Some applications allow it (for example, Netflix supports concurrent logins with the same credentials from different devices) while other apps restrict it.
In another post (How to register app users with the User Registration API), we described the Backendless API for registering users for your application. When user registration successfully completes, a welcome email is delivered to the user’s email address. The default content and formatting of the email is shown below.
In another post, we showed how to update data objects in the persistent storage. In this post, we’ll talk about declaring the minimum required properties needed to update objects.
Every data object saved in Backendless has its own access control list (ACL). An object’s ACL includes permissions for users and roles for all data service operations. Using ACL, an application may be configured to allow users (and/or roles they belong to) to execute Data Service API calls.
In this post, we will show how to save an object with relations in Backendless Database. We are using the “code first” approach, which means we will not be creating data tables in the backend. Instead, the code will dictate to the backend what the data schema should look like.
Once an object is stored in the Backendless data storage, any of its properties (except for the system ones) can be updated using the data update API. The API works the same way as the initial call for saving the object. To update a property value, simply modify it in the instance representing the saved…