In another post, we wrote about how to create developer-defined security roles and how to secure data table access for a security role. Ultimately when a client application makes API requests, the security evolves around users, since it is a user who authenticates themselves against the system.
Previously, we wrote about how to store and retrieve objects to and from server-side in-memory cache. Quite often when working with your cache, it is necessary to check if an object already exists in cache. Backendless provides an API for that function. The code below checks if an object exists in cache, and if not,…
In another post, we described how to declare a relationship in a data table schema with a geopoint. Now that you know how to create a table column that contains one or more geopoints, we are going to show how to populate it with data.
We’ve written about how to upload files to the Backendless Hosting system. Once a file is uploaded, it gets a public URL which can either be obtained using Backendless Console or calculated using a template.
In another article, we described how a data object may have a related geopoint (or a collection of geopoints). One of the benefits of data-to-geo relationships is search by distance. That means Backendless can search for data objects using the location of the related geopoints.
Connecting users with their related data is a key function of user management. When you register (or update) a user object, you may need to create a relation between the user and some other entity/object stored in your Backendless Database. Since a user object is structurally a collection of properties, it is very easy to…
In another post, we described how to obtain a file’s public URL using Backendless Console. Even though anyone can obtain a public URL for a file or directory, it is very easy to change the permissions to restrict file download for anonymous (not authenticated) users.
In other articles, we have covered: how to declare a geo-to-data relationship in a data table schema and how to create relationships between an object in that schema and geopoints. Of course, both of the operations above can also be accomplished with the API. In this post, we are going to show how to retrieve…
In another article, we covered importing data table schemas, relations and data objects to Backendless with CSV files. The data import feature can also work with geolocation storage. The process is extremely simple – browse to a CSV file with the geolocation data and let Backendless process it.