The Backendless Geoservice supports a variety of ways to search for geopoints. So far we have reviewed how to search for geopoints in a radius or a rectangular area. There is also a partial match geopoint search. In addition to that, Backendless Console provides yet another way to search for data – the cross-category search….
In addition to the app development APIs, we also make available a very rich set of administrative and management functions. Every single feature available in Backendless Console is also available via specialized REST API. Whether it is performing a data import/export, setting up database schema, or retrieving application’s analytics – all of these can be…
In another post, we described how to upload files to Backendless file storage using File Service API. In addition to the file upload API, Backendless Console supports online (built into the Console) text editing.
There will often be times when you want to delete users from your database, whether it’s to purge old users or to allow users to delete their own account. Backendless supports two methods for deleting a user: using the API or using Backendless Console. The API approach is described using the code below.
This article applies to version 3 of Backendless. The versioning feature in the latest version can be achieved by cloning your application to create replicas for development and staging. As an application is progressing through its lifecycle, there are different teams involved in interacting with the app and its backend. These teams include developers, testers,…
In another article, we wrote about how to change a user’s password using Backendless Console. There are also ways to change a user’s password using API. In this post, we will review the API that can be used to change the password if a user can log in.
There is an API for loading the very first object created in the table. The first object is determined by the value in the created column – Backendless Database picks the one with the smallest timestamp.
Directories in file storage can be created implicitly as a result of uploading files using the File Service API. Alternatively, a directory can be created using Backendless Console.
Data paging is the process of breaking up a larger set of objects into smaller chunks, commonly referred to as pages. Typically paging applies to the results of search queries when the server may return too many objects at once.