This holiday season, we’ve prepared a special stocking stuffer for our users! Introducing FlowRunner—a new tool that will revolutionize how you automate tasks and save time. We’re excited to share FlowRunner, a new system designed to help businesses automate tasks and save time. After almost two years of hard work, FlowRunner is now ready to…
We’re excited to announce that Backendless is now even more accessible with the launch of the Community Edition: a free version of the Backendless platform for deployment on a single physical server. This change makes Backendless more accessible than ever, allowing established users who want to lower their overall cost of ownership to deploy quickly…
The Backendless Scale Plan is a cloud-based application development and hosting plan that offers high starting limits, unlimited scalability, and is priced based on maximum daily API usage.
Backendless Cloud is introducing a new pricing plan, the Scale Fixed plan, which offers users a more predictable and potentially lower-cost billing option compared to the existing Scale plan. This blog post delves into the details and benefits of this new plan, which will become available right before the Cloud 99 plan is phased out…
Dear Community, We’ve always believed in transparency and accountability, especially when things don’t go as planned. Today, we find ourselves in one of those challenging moments: a significant service outage has affected our operations in the EU and US regions. This blog post aims to shed light on the situation, our ongoing efforts to resolve…
It’s time we address the elephant in the room. The vast amount of disinformation on the Internet, occasionally bordering on outright lies, does a huge disservice to end users. It’s disappointing to see many no-code vendors use FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) to scare uninformed and less technical citizen developers with the dreaded “vendor lock-in”…
Retrieving data from a database is a common task. It often involves grouping data by certain criteria. For example, you might want to see total sales by region. But what if you want to see products listed by category without summing them up? This is where our new Nested Grouping API shines. This API makes…
We are excited to share some fantastic news with you! Our team has been working tirelessly to bring you the latest and most requested feature in Backendless UI Builder – the Layouts feature. Today, we’re proud to announce that Layouts is now immediately available for all our users!
We’re thrilled to unveil the much-anticipated release of our new Mission Pack: the UI Builder Starter Pack. This pack is meticulously crafted to lay a solid foundation in UI Builder skills through a series of engaging, hands-on missions and tasks.