
Publish Custom Codeless Functions to Backendless Marketplace

by on October 12, 2022

Custom Codeless Functions Feature

Contribute your Codeless dev skills to the Backendless community by submitting your Custom Codeless Functions to Backendless Marketplace.

You can now publish custom Codeless functions to the Backendless Marketplace. These functions then become available for free download for all Backendless users.

You are able to publish any Codeless function that you build on the frontend to the Marketplace. Our team reviews all functions to ensure quality and that the function can work independent of the original application.

How to Publish a Custom Codeless Function

Along with the release of Custom Codeless Functions, we have changed the way you submit items to the Marketplace. Now, you will be able to do so through your own My Marketplace area in your account.

To reach your user account, click on the profile icon in the upper-right of Backendless Console.

Visit Backendless User Account

From there, navigate to My Marketplace and select Publish a Product.

Publish a Product to Backendless Marketplace

Next, a popup will open where you can choose the product type that you’d like to submit. Then, you will be able to choose from eligible items of that type.

Submit Custom Codeless Function to Backendless Marketplace

As you can see in the screenshot above, you have the option to choose more than one function to submit. When you submit functions together, they remain grouped in a “Functions Pack”, meaning a user that downloads them will get all of the functions together.

Thus, you can create functions that work together to make more complex functions or provide a library of functions that are grouped together semantically. That is, functions that serve similar or complementary purposes.

When submitting a function, you will also be prompted to write up a description and choose one or more function categories in which to include the function.

The chosen categories impact both where users can find the function in the Marketplace as well as where they will appear in the Codeless logic designer.

For example, the below function appears in both the Number Utils and Math Utils areas of the Codeless designer and Backendless Marketplace:

Custom Codeless Function as Codeless block in UI Builder

How to Add a Custom Codeless Function to Your App

To download Custom Codeless Functions, visit the category you are interested in and find the function you want to download. You can then click Get to instantly download the item or click on the item to view it’s details.

Custom Codeless Functions on Backendless Marketplace

The details are added by the developer that submits the item.

Custom Codeless Function Marketplace Listing

The details include:

  1. Function Name
  2. Function Version – You can upload new versions of the same function to update it, using the version number to inform users of updates
  3. Link to your Community Profile
  4. Link to your Website (perfect for dev agencies and freelancers!)
  5. Function Description

Once you download the function, it becomes available in your Codeless logic designer instantly.

Custom Codeless Function as Codeless block in UI Builder

Custom Codeless Function Example

Let’s try out our new Custom Codeless Function by building a simple UI. We’ll take the Get Random Number In Range function and make a page that generates a random number on a button click.

To do so, we’ll add a single button and text box to the canvas in UI Builder.

Custom Codeless Function UI Builder Example Canvas

For the button’s click event, we’ll create some simple Codeless logic.

Custom Codeless Function example Button Codeless logic

Note that, just like other Codeless blocks, you can switch the Custom Codeless Function to be inline:

Custom Codeless Function example Button Codeless logic inline

Next, we’ll add data binding to our text block.

Custom Codeless Function example Text data binding

Let’s try it.

Custom Codeless Function example


That’s all there is to it!

Ready to start building your own Custom Codeless Functions to share with the Backendless community? We can’t wait to see what you’ll build!

Happy Codeless Coding!

1 Comment

Great way to build up and have the community help with the backendless ecosystem. Congrats Backendless team on including this feature.

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