Introducing FlowRunner: Backendless’ New Automation Platform (Beta)
This holiday season, we’ve prepared a special stocking stuffer for our users! Introducing FlowRunner—a new tool that will revolutionize how you automate tasks and save time. We’re excited to share FlowRunner, a new system designed to help businesses automate tasks and save time. After almost two years of hard work, FlowRunner is now ready to...

Backendless Spotlight on Help A Paw

In this week’s Backendless Spotlight, we are excited to introduce you to one of the many nonprofit organizations that use the Backendless platform to support their mobile presence. Help A Paw is a startup out of Bulgaria that is seeking to solve a local problem with an eye for reaching communities facing the same issue…

How to Use TypeScript with NodeJS

The lion’s share of JavaScript developers prefer to use TypeScript in their projects as it helps avoid some problems at the assembly stage while still including many valuable features. Today we are going to share with you how to use the Backendless JS-SDK in conjunction with TypeScript in a project with a Node.js backend. Backendless JS-SDK is a…