Introducing FlowRunner: Backendless’ New Automation Platform (Beta)
This holiday season, we’ve prepared a special stocking stuffer for our users! Introducing FlowRunner—a new tool that will revolutionize how you automate tasks and save time. We’re excited to share FlowRunner, a new system designed to help businesses automate tasks and save time. After almost two years of hard work, FlowRunner is now ready to...

Required Update for Business Logic (Backendless 4)

We are preparing one of the final Beta builds for Backendless 4. The build should be released early in the week of June 19th. We plan to release the service out of beta shortly after that. One of the important changes in the upcoming service update will be the introduction of deployment models. When the…

Deployment Models for Business Logic (Cloud Code)

One of the new features we will be releasing in the final update of Backendless 4 beta is support for “business logic (Cloud Code) deployment models”. This is a new concept introduced in Backendless 4. A “deployment model” combines individual API event handlers, timers and API services into a single group. The purpose of that…