With the Transactions API, Backendless Database can execute multiple database requests grouped into a single transaction. When any one of these grouped database operations fails, the entire transaction is rolled back – meaning any other changes within the same transaction are canceled.
One of the features we added in the 5.7.3 release of Backendless is the ability to configure smart text for some Android and iOS push notification visualization properties. That sounds pretty complicated, doesn’t it? Simply put, now you can personalize the styling of your push notifications on a per user basis.
As soon as you have data in persistent storage, the question of searching would be one of the first to come up. Indeed, how can you query the backend for data? We considered multiple options and elected to use the most popular one – SQL.
Loading data objects from the Backendless persistent storage is a fundamental operation a large majority of the online/mobile applications require. Backendless Data Retrieval API is simple, yet very powerful.
In other articles, we’ve discussed how to load object relations using the auto-load and the one-step approach. Both of these approaches return a complex hierarchy of data where the parent object includes child entities at the time when it is retrieved from the server.
In this post, we continue our mission to build a restaurant to-go order app. So far we have put together UI mockups for the future Backendless application, and designed data schema for all the application’s data entities. At this point, we are very close to the coding part.
In another article, we described how to load complex data objects from the persistent storage using the “auto-load” technique. Using that approach, a developer can statically identify specific (child) properties that should be returned along with the parent object(s) when a client app sends a request to load them.
Another post covered how to retrieve data objects from Backendless. The code in that article loads a collection of the Restaurant objects and although it does not show it, the related collection of the Location objects arrives un-initialized. That is the default behavior of Backendless Database when it comes to loading related objects. The code…
Introduction We’re all looking to streamline app development. Backend development in particular is a clear point where efficiency is key because improper code can slow down you app and affect all users equally. One of the best ways to speed up backend development without risking creating problematic code is…