Previously we described how to use the Backendless Console to generate custom business logic code. In this post, we will describe one of the most amazing features in Backendless – an ability to debug custom server-side code on the developer computer before deploying it to the cloud. It would be very helpful for you to…
Previously, we wrote how to generate custom business logic code for API event handlers and how to locally debug your custom code. Now your code is ready to be pushed to the Backendless servers. Once it is out there, the Backendless infrastructure automatically handles scaling the code execution and routing requests to an instance available…
In a Backendless backend, you can restrict access to API operations and/or application data. A restriction may apply either to specific users or to roles. When a restriction applies to a role, it automatically applies to the users in that role.
There are plenty of use cases when mBaaS-powered applications must use a centralized mechanism for incrementing or decrementing a value. There are several approaches for maintaining a counter – some apps use a database, others keep it in the server-side business logic (Cloud Code).
Now that you know how to generate code for custom business logic timers (Backendless background jobs) and how to locally debug custom business logic, it is time to learn how to deploy that code to production.
In a previous post, we introduced Backendless CodeRunner – a debugging utility for custom business logic. Now that you can run your timer code locally using CodeRunner, we’d like to show how you can attach your IDE to the CodeRunner process and debug the code.
In another post, we introduced the feature of server-side API event handlers – a mechanism for injecting custom business logic into Backendless. In this post, we are going to review the process of creating an event handler for User Service APIs using Backendless Console. The User Service APIs include user registration, login, logout, user update,…
There are two types of custom (server-side) business logic supported by Backendless – timers and event handlers. In my previous posts have reviewed the entire process of developing, testing and deploying timers. Now I’m going to focus on event handlers.
This License Agreement (“Agreement”) is a legal contract between you (“Licensee” or “Customer”), as either an individual or a single business entity and Backendless Corp. (“LICENSOR”). THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (“AGREEMENT”) IS A BINDING LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN BACKENDLESS CORP. (“LICENSOR”) AND THE CUSTOMER OF THE SOFTWARE (“LICENSEE”).BY CLICKING THE ACCEPT BOX OR BY DOWNLOADING, INSTALLING, COPYING OR OTHERWISE…