Today we are going to walk you through the process of allowing users to register and log into your app using their Google account. The best way to showcase this is to walk through the Registration and Login example app available in the Code Generation section of your Backendless Console.
The first thing we’ll do is create an application with the name Registration_and_Login (you can choose any other name for the application, but then you will need to substitute it further everywhere).
Go to the Code Generation section – select the category Android – Registration and Login.
In the window that appears, select only Google login – GENERATE.
Copy the downloaded archive. Open the Archive in your favorite IDE; we will use IntelliJ IDEA.
Next, you need to click on this link and go to the Configure section of the Google API Console project. Click on the “CONFIGURE A PROJECT” button and enter the name of your project.
For this example, we chose the following name for the project: BackendlessRegistration. In the next step, we also use the name BackendlessRegistration.
In the next step, you need to select Android, enter the package name (which can be viewed in the manifest file of the downloaded project in src / main / AndroidManifest.xml). The creation of the SHA-1 signing certificate is described here. After entering all the necessary information, click CREATE.
Next, will be taken to the next screen, click on Download client configuration. The credentials.json file will be downloaded.
The contents of the credentials.json file are as follows:
{"web": { "client_id":"<client_id>", "project_id":"<project_id>", "auth_uri":"", "token_uri":"", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url":"" "client_secret":"<client_secret>" } }
From this you need to take the values <client_id>, <project_id>, <client_secret> – open the google-services.json file in the downloaded project and replace its content with the following:
{ "project_info": { "project_number": "1", "project_id": "<project_id>" }, "client": [ { "client_info": { "mobilesdk_app_id": "1:1:android:1556016075905", "android_client_info": { "package_name": "com.examples.registration_and_login.login" } }, "oauth_client": [ { "client_id": "<client_id>", "client_type": 1, "android_info": { "package_name": "com.examples.registration_and_login.login", "certificate_hash": "<client_secret>" } } ], "api_key": [ { "current_key": "<client_secret>" } ] } ], "configuration_version": "1" }
Then you need to go to values / strings.xml and replace two strings:
<string name = “gp_WebApp_ClientId”> </ string>
<string name = “gp_WebApp_ClientSecret”> </ string>
<string name = “gp_WebApp_ClientId”> <client_id> </ string>
<string name = “gp_WebApp_ClientSecret”> <client_secret> </ string>
Now you can bring down the project and run it.
Before you click the Login button, log in to your Google account on your phone. After logging into your Google account on your phone, return to the application and press the Login button. After a successful login, you will see the following screen:
That’s all, now your application’s Android users can log in using their Google account. Enjoy using Backendless services!