CRM App Template


The CRM system App Blueprint provides ample functionality for managing customer interactions, keeping sales team members on task, and supporting the sales process.

A CRM system, or customer relationship management system, is a tool for supporting sales team members and moving prospects down the sales funnel. The functionality included in CRM software is applicable in many other tools and systems for business management, such as ERP systems.

The CRM App displays the level of detail and complexity that can be easily built using Backendless’ UI Builder. Additional CRM tools can easily be added through Codeless development, making it easy to customize the CRM to meet your needs.

Equally important, this template provides Backendless users with a template to follow for a variety of key Backendless functions, regardless of their app’s purpose.

Using this template, you can see first-hand how to:

  • Work with data from a frontend dashboard
  • Enable users to export data to CSV from the frontend
  • Schedule tasks and display on a calendar
  • Implement a sidebar menu that is hidden on tablet and mobile devices
  • Enable users to create their own lead forms and generate HTML form code

Happy Codeless Coding!