Mark Piller
Veni Vidi Vici
Backendless eXPerience
I am the chief guy here at Backendless. No, I didn't build it, but I put together the most amazing team that makes things happen. This is my biggest professional achievement. I love innovation and I cannot imagine any other place where the path between an idea and reality would be more exciting than in this company. show more
Congratulations from the Backendless Team to Mark Piller who has received a new badge: Community Member This is the first badge that everyone gets when they login for the first time. 17/06/2020
Congratulations from the Backendless Team to Mark Piller who has received a new badge: Enthusiast Visited console for 10 consecutive days 26/06/2020
Congratulations from the Backendless Team to Mark Piller who has received a new badge: File Explorer Basic understanding of the file related operations in Backendless console 20/07/2021
Congratulations from the Backendless Team to Mark Piller who has received a new badge: Exporter Creates a first export of data from the app 08/07/2020
Congratulations from the Backendless Team to Mark Piller who has received a new badge: MACH 1 Makes first 100 API calls 18/06/2020
Congratulations from the Backendless Team to Mark Piller who has received a new badge: Orbiter Makes first 10,000 API calls 18/06/2020
Congratulations from the Backendless Team to Mark Piller who has received a new badge: Fanatic Visited console for 30 consecutive days 16/07/2020
Congratulations from the Backendless Team to Mark Piller who has received a new badge: User Rookie Basic understanding of the Backendless user management system 10/06/2021
Congratulations from the Backendless Team to Mark Piller who has received a new badge: Ice Breaker Makes first API call 18/01/2021
Congratulations from the Backendless Team to Mark Piller who has received a new badge: Bootstrapper Downloads a project template 17/06/2020
Congratulations from the Backendless Team to Mark Piller who has received a new badge: Data Sponge Demonstrated some basic skills with the database 21/06/2020
Congratulations from the Backendless Team to Mark Piller who has received a new badge: Midnight Owl Given to the user when they log in between 23:00 and 06:00 19/06/2020
Congratulations from the Backendless Team to Mark Piller who has received a new badge: Boss Changes any of the developer permissions 22/03/2021
Congratulations from the Backendless Team to Mark Piller who has received a new badge: Crud Rookie Demonstrated basic knowledge of the Backendless database API 29/03/2021
Congratulations from the Backendless Team to Mark Piller who has received a new badge: Messenger Sends first pub/sub message 21/03/2022
Congratulations from the Backendless Team to Mark Piller who has received a new badge: Supersonic Makes first 1,000 API calls 18/06/2020
Congratulations from the Backendless Team to Mark Piller who has received a new badge: Spender Made the first purchase from the Marketplace 27/01/2022