Introducing Backendless Pro Community Edition: Free Single-Server Deployment
We’re excited to announce that Backendless is now even more accessible with the launch of the Community Edition: a free version of the Backendless platform for deployment on a single physical server. This change makes Backendless more accessible than ever, allowing established users who want to lower their overall cost of ownership to deploy quickly...

The Importance of Simplicity in Application Development

Tired of grappling with complexity when building an application? You’re not alone. As a developer, creating software can often become a labyrinth of competing priorities, overwhelming scope, and ever-changing needs. Sometimes, less is more.

Streamlining Application Development with Agile Methodologies

How can you streamline the application development process and ensure you are delivering products to market faster than the competition? The answer is Agile methodologies.

Simplifying the App Development Process: Best Practices

Application development can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it doesn’t have to be. These best practices can streamline your development process today.