Since Backendless does not have native APIs to download files, today we’ll talk about how to implement this function in your Android application. In order to do that, we’ll need to combine the Backendless file listing API and There are several alternatives to this approach, but the selected one requires less code to write…
All available APIs for creating, updating and deleting objects in the Backendless database operate on single objects. This means that when you need to store multiple objects in the database, each object requires a separate API call. This increases the number of API calls your app makes. While it is great for us (hey, our…
Performing a calculation on a group of database objects may be a complex task. For example, to calculate the sum of all orders for a customer would require retrieving all that customer’s orders then iterating over them to calculate the mathematical sum of all amounts. This was yesterday! As of Backendless 4.4.0, you can use aggregate functions…
If you’re starting an Android project with Backendless and import our SDK library from Maven, please pay attention to the version number of the library. We have published a beta version of the 4.0 SDK into Maven central. When referencing Backendless in Android Studio, version 4 is the default one to popup. Unless you’re building with Backendless…
We supported Google Sign in for a while, however, the feature was not properly documented. Until now! The documentation has been updated for Android and iOS SDKs. Using the “Login with Google” function, an app can provide a way for the users to login using their Google credentials. Once a user is authenticated, Backendless creates…
The recording of the “Push Notifications” webinar that we conducted earlier this month is now available on our YouTube channel. You can watch the webinar below or on our YouTube channel. In the webinar, we reviewed the process of setting up Android and iOS apps as well as the backend to be able to register…
We conducted a webinar titled “Backendless Core Concepts” for ex-Parses last week. A recording of the webinar is now available. The video should be helpful not only if you’re coming from Parse, but for anyone who is starting their journey with Backendless. The webinar reviewed the concepts of Backendless User Management and Data services. Specifically,…
In my previous post I reviewed the user registration API. Now that you know how to use the registration API and have a registered user, the next step is to review the login functionality. The video below focuses on the apps’ login screen and the Backendless Login API.
In the video below I review the code for the User Registration screen of the RestaurantToGo sample app. Additionally, I discuss the usage of the Backendless Registration API. In the previous post and video, I reviewed the process of setting up the development environment for the application.