In another post, we covered user registration API, delivery of the welcome email upon the registration, login API, and the ability to enable/disable user accounts. The user management feature highlighted in this post focuses on changing a user’s password in Backendless Console.
In another article, we wrote about how to save Backendless data objects with related geopoint(s). The data-to-geo relations are bidirectional. That means that just as a data object can reference a geopoint (or more than one) as a relation, a geopoint may reference a data object or a collection of in its metadata as well.
In this article, we’re going to review a fun feature – an ROI (return on investment) calculator. That may sound like a boring subject, but we sure tried to make it fun. Indeed, if you are a developer and are tasked with figuring out how a product or a service can save money, it may…
In another post, we described a feature where you can import data to Backendless using CSV files. In that post, we used CSV files that already had the data type defined for each column.
Now that you know how to register and login users for your application, you might be wondering what degree of control over user accounts you have with Backendless. As a developer of a Backendless-powered app, the Console is the ultimate tool where you can control all aspects of your app, including user management.
If a data table in your application has a column of the DATETIME type, the values for that column will be rendered by Backendless Console in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss format. For many applications, and specifically in some industries like telecommunications or finance, it is important to see the date objects in a “neutral” format and often…
A previous article in this series (registering app users using Backendless API) talks about how to create user accounts. If your application uses the user registration API, odds are you will need to use the Login API as well. The API is rather simple – it requires just two parameters: a value that uniquely identifies…
In another post, we wrote about Backendless File Browser – an online management system for your files and directories. One of the features built into File Browser is the ZIP Directory feature. The feature does exactly what it sounds like it would do – creating a zip file for a directory and its contents.
In another post, we described how to restrict access to all data for “guest” users. The Backendless security model lets you control access to data tables, or more generally “asset containers”, at the role and operation levels. That means an application developer can set up security restrictions for API operations on a specific data table…